water test

What’s the Difference Between an at Home Test Kit and a Laboratory Water Test?

Water Contamination Concerns From lead contamination to natural disasters leaving water unsafe to drink, water quality has become a hot topic lately.  With what seems like daily reports about contaminated public water sources, consumers are less trusting of municipal water quality reports.  As a result, many people are relying on a home water test to […]

I Just Received A Boil Water Notice, What Should I Do?

The first thing you need to understand when you receive a water notice is the difference between a Boil Water Notice and a Do Not Use Notice. Both notices mean that there are potentially high levels of an organism present in the water that could cause health issues. A boil water notice is a public […]


How Can I Tell if There Is Radiation in My Water?

Radiation Exposure In our daily lives, we are constantly, and often unaware, that we are being exposed to radiation.  A majority of the radiation that we are subjected to comes from natural sources.  Exposure to radiation can cause serious health issues, including cancer.  Pregnant women, children, and people with compromised immune systems are at the […]


How Much Fluoride Should Water Have and How Do You Test for It?

The Great Fluoride Debate The debate about the need for supplemental fluoride has become heated in recent years.  Fluoride is a natural mineral found in the soil that can sometimes penetrate into our water supplies.  In the 1930s, researchers determined that people in areas with naturally fluoridated water had fewer cavities than people who didn’t […]

Electrolyte water

Who Really Needs Electrolyte Water?

What Is Electrolyte Water Electrolyte water is a growing segment in the bottled water category. Examples of electrolyte waters include brands such as Propel, Smartwater, LIFEWTR, and Core Hydration.  Some of these waters have added electrolytes to improve the taste and others are geared toward improved hydration. So, just what is electrolyte water? These waters […]

fall leaves

Fun Fall Science Experiment with Leaves

This months science project celebrates fall and the cooler weather.  As the seasons change, we find ourselves admiring the brightly colored leaves.  For today’s project, we decided to see how different leaves would impact our water samples.  Our hypothesis was that different leaves would have different chemical and mineral qualities that would change the composition of […]

Dirty Water – A Fun Science Project for Kids

If your kids don’t mind a little dirt, they’re sure to enjoy this easy to perform science project testing dirty water.  The first step is easy. Send the kids outside to collect three different dirt samples.  Maybe scoop up some dirt from a potted plant or a garden area.  Dig up a little bit of […]

How Often Should You Perform a Well Water Test?

People who get their water from a public water source have groups like the EPA helping to ensure their water quality.  Unfortunately, those who use well water do not have anyone monitoring what is in their water.  If your drinking water comes from a well, you need to take measures like performing a regular well […]


How to Test Well Water at Home

Water quality is headline news these days.  The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is still making the new four years later.  Most recently, Chicago’s water quality has come into question. Unfortunately, if you get your water from a private well, there are no watch groups looking out for you.  If your water isn’t coming from […]

How Do I Know If I Have Hard Water?

What Is Hard Water? When people talk about water quality, one of the factors that is often mentioned is hardness.  As water travels through the ground, it picks up small amounts of sediment from soil and rocks.  Two of the most common minerals that easily dissolve to form hard water are calcium and magnesium.  These […]
